Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tofurky and Vegetarian stereotypes

You have my sincerest apologies for not updating. I allowed myself to get a bit behind in my homework and so I have been catching up. Next, I have a presentation due on Monday. It never ends.

The day before yesterday I made myself an amazing breakfast of spinach, tomatoes, onions and crumbing cheese in a whole wheat pita, topped with avocado and salsa. It was so great and filling but kept falling apart. Since enjoying homemade salsa, the jar stuff really isn't so appealing anymore.

Yesterday I have my usual yogurt for breakfast but I have eaten up all my fruit so I just topped it with this new chocolate delight granola made by Back To Nature. I have found a new favorite product! In addition to eating a vegetarian diet, I am also trying to eat better all around. This means no fried foods, less caffeine (I am pretty addicted to Diet Coke and coffee but slowly trying to decrease my intake) and cutting out my love of chocolate as much as possible. I think this new granola product of mine might help a lot with my late night chocolate cravings.

The biggest excitement for me has been finally making up my Tofurky Italian sausage. I didn't have high hopes for it because tofu is just squishy and weird but this stuff is AMAZING! The flavor is perfect. It did have a squishy texture but I just cooked it a little bit longer then necessary and it came out just right. I made up some simple noodles and mixed a concoxion f olive oil, tomatoes, spinach, onions, leeks and seasonings and plopped it on top. It was a huge meal but so good. I will never again eat real sausage even if I do decide to return to eating meat because the Tofurky's taste is at such a higher level of yumminess. The one and only concern I have is that I think the sausage had a lot of salt because I was very bloated after my meal. This will not be an everyday meal but it will most definately be in my rotation of great things to buy.

I have been attempting to keep up with a simple exercise routine. I run on our elliptical machine as long as I can. Unfortunately, I have noted that I just don't have the endurance anymore. I used to be able to run for an hour and a half which went down to an hour, then 45 minutes and last night I could only run for a half hour. Quite possibly there could be other reasons for this such as the times of day I run or who-knows-what but I do feel it is noteworthy.

I do believe that my diet has helped me with my fatigue. For the past year or so I have been dealing with being constantly fatigued that I was unable to function during the day. I used to get up and take my children to school by 7:30am then come back home, put my three year old in front of the TV and sleep until 11am and then be unable to really wake up or be rested enough for the remainder of the day. Now, I am able to get up with my kids and stay up. I do get pretty fatigued by 3pm but I am able to fight through it. Even now however, I enjoy the days when I can come home from bringing the kids to school and my youngest is still sleeping. I lay down next to him and sleep another few hours if I can. I don't think I will feel a quick fix to my fatigue but I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. By changing a few things my quality of life is already so much better.

I am facing a little bit of a vegetarian stereotyping. I have vegetarian and vegan friends but they are not my closest friends. One of my closest friends seems to be bothered by the fact I am defining myself as a vegetarian. I only mentioned my diet to her in passing once and yet I feel she has put up a wall to me. She seems defensive. She tells me how she hates that vegetarians and vegans seem like they are "know-it-alls" and I think she feels I will be doing the same. I mentioned to another friend my new diet plan and she told me that I needed to go spend more time wth L*** (mutual vegetarian friend) because we would have so much to talk about and not with her. It felt like I was being written off. Honestly, I haven't told any of my vegetarian/vegan friends how I have changed my diet. I have only mentioned it to one person via Facebook whom I may see only once a year at the most because she is a very educated and informed person and I thought she might help me educate myself (again, thank you for your help Rhonda!). Why is there such a stigma against people who choose to eat differently for their own personal reasons? I am not forcing my opinions on anyone and even though I have my family try the vegetarian foods I make for myself, I still cook meat for my family. I am not fanatical but I do see so many benefits to my new life that I wish I could share it with more people. It hurts to be shut out.

On that depressing note, I will sign off along with my sincerest thank you for coming to read my crazed ramblings.

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