My name is Julia. I am a wife and stay-at-home mom while I am attending college at nights. I am the typical mom. I cart my three kids around to their play dates, gymnastics and so forth. I live for them and try to squeeze in a little bit of me time when I can. Of course, my "me time” is usually taken up by studying for the next exam or endless homework.
I am 30 years old. I eat like the average American (although, for the record, I am Canadian but I am an American resident as I married an American). I like fast food as I am always on the run. I try to eat right and instill good habits in my children but let's face it, a hamburger is so much cheaper than a salad when eating on the go.... and a lot easier to eat while racing all over town.
I tell myself and my husband that I want to eat healthier and get in shape. I was a gym bunny before and after my first 2 children but by the third, the membership fees were too much and I didn't have the time. Now I have a sexy muffin top and wider hips and a saggy butt. My husband still says I am attractive but I just don’t feel right. I don't have the energy to keep up with my life and find myself sitting my youngest in front of the TV while his siblings are at school so I can catch a quick nap. Something needs to change.
I figured that nothing would truly get me to eat better unless I make a plan. I needed a set goal to achieve and a method to measure my progress. I have seen so many articles and pictures of what is done to the animals that are bred just to be fattened and killed in such inhumane ways and it makes me sick. I decided that enough was enough and I didn’t want to support this disgusting business of killing animals and along the way, I could find better health. In comes my idea of being a 30 day vegetarian!
I plan to only last 30 days and if I can keep it up after that then all the better. For now, I am still eating eggs and cheese with the hopes to find ways to cut that out next but I need baby steps.
So welcome to my journey and I hope we all enjoy the ride and maybe even learn something new.
Peace out !
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